Little Kesho
Isyho Arts Centre
Kigali (Ruanda)
for everybody 10+
Germany premiere

Kesho in Swahili means tomorrow, and in this musical show essential and urgent themes are addressed to meet planetary challenges: climate change, the erosion of biodiversity, the non-respect and the absence of protection / preservation of our environment, pollution, overexploitation leading to the impoverishment of the soil, the air, and above all the choices and the responsibilities to be taken by all of us and even more so by younger generations. Little Kesho is a musical interrogation, a poetic encounter, a mysterious journey, an opportunity to share our views of the world, but above all as a temporary inhabitant of this beautiful planet. There is no planet B.
Duration: ca. 60 minutes/mixed language (i.a. English, French, Suaheli)
Plays at:
opening, Saturday, 20th May 6 pm in Hamm
Saturday, 27th May 8 pm in Hamm
Ishyo Arts Centre
Ishyo Arts Centre, a non-governmental organization founded in 2007 by eight Rwandan women, is an organization working for the development and promotion of culture in Rwanda whose main mission is to “make culture accessible to all”.
Authors: Sandra Nadege Uwayezu, Michael Sengazi, Seraphine Umutoni, Regis Igihozo Nsengiyumva, Esther Uwase, Jean Paul Ingabire, Umulinga C. Karemera
Instruments: Emmanuel Jr. Gasasira, Etienne Ishimwe/Fabio Volante, Raphael Manzi Rusake, Jean paul Vincent
Voices: Berthile Urujeni, Bill Ruzima, Jean d'Amour Ngarukiyintwari, Kenny Philip Mirasano, Alyne Sano, Jules Cesar Niyonkuru, Michaël Makembe, Moise Mutangana, Richard Mahirwe, Weya M. Viatora, Hervé Twahirwa
Artistic direction: Carole U. Karemera
Composer: Hervé Twahirwa
Support: Ishara Manzi, Aurore Iradukunda