Wait a minute
Wacht's Even
De Stilte
Breda (Netherlands)
for everybody 2+

How to deal with somebody different? Someone of whom you can’t even tell what type of creature it is? A human, a dog, a bird? Fortunately, there’s no need to change each other. Wait a minute… stick to simply being who you are. In terms of dancing the performers invites the audience into a world full of shapes and encounters.
Duration: ca. 40 minutes /no spoken language
Plays at: Monday, 22th May 9:45 am + 11 am in Hamm HELIOS Theater
Tuesday, 23th May 9:45 am + 11 am in Lünen Hansesaal
De Stilte
De Stilte, founded in 1995, is a professional dance company in the southern region of the Netherlands that focuses entirely on developing productions and performances for children. Education is an essential part of de Stilte's activities
Choreography: Gertien Bergstra und Femke Somerwil
Dancers: Donna Scholten und Kaia Vercammen oder Catarina Paiva and Eduarda Santos
the project is funded by